You have no doubt noticed them more than once — those ordinary people who communicate with each other in such an unordinary way. There is nothing special about their appearance. They laugh and grieve, hurry to work, stroll through the park like any other men, women or children. They are just  like everyone else — until they start to speak. When they do, no sound comes from them, yet they capture the curious attention of passersby as if someone had suddenly shouted. These people communicate in the language of dancing hands, looking carefully into each other’s eyes, because they were born deaf. There is no language other than sign language that allows them to express themselves fully.

Sign language is the basis of the Deaf identity. It is a world of its own and a fertile culture. It is the only place where deaf people really feel at home, where they can be who they are.  Sign language has its own grammar and vocabulary, but to understand someone, the Deaf need to see the whole person – hands, facial expressions, body posture. It’s a pity that hearing people don’t think about these things at all… They don’t know sign language and can’t hear a silent cry of deafness.

From the moment they are born, the Deaf are confronted with countless restrictions imposed on them by the hearing majority. The Deaf do not suffer from deafness, but from the harshness of society, from its closeness to all those who are different. But the Deaf can do everything that others can — except for one thing: to hear. Limitations in deaf people’s lives are mainly related to dominant social attitudes towards linguistic and cultural minorities. We believe the situation must change, and linguistic and social barriers overcome.

Our mission is to support and strengthen the unique deaf culture, which is essentially linked to sign language. For this purpose, we produce high quality video products in Israeli Sign Language on a wide variety of subjects. These include art, history, education, travel and entertainment. Our special focus is on creating video products that meet the needs of deaf children.

We are working to significantly expand the range of video content available for the Deaf community. Of course, the primary role in this effort belongs to the Deaf themselves, as only they can ensure that sign language remains natural, vibrant, and true to how the Deaf communicate and think.

Our strategic goal is to enhance the quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing people and to help them overcome social, informational and other barriers.

The Team of Studio Gisha